Which of your hens sounds the best?


12 Years
May 29, 2007
Deep in a snow drift, NE
One of my girls makes the sweetest sounds. She coos, and sings, and talks. She's a Buff Orpington. The sounds she makes are quiet.

Another one screams shrilly all the time. She's a Black Star.

So my question is, which of your chickens is the best sounding? Is it consistent to the breed or individual?

I can't have roosters, so while their crows are neat, they won't be a deciding factor.
Tiberius sings to us (silkie) and she talks too...the Wyandottes are fairly normal in talking/cooing, except Pharaoh--she curses me. I'll be walking along, and all of a sudden "Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawk!!!!!!!" (really low and deep) She's a very sweet chicken otherwise, just verbose about her dislikes!

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