Which sex is better to have two of?


8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
If I get two geese, I really would rather not get a pair....so which is better....two boys or two girls?

Or is a pair the way to go?
Either two girls or a boy and a girl. Two boys will proabaly fight.
You haven't seen a fight until two geese both want the same nest! Get a pair, and if you don't want goslings steal the eggs. Birth control is easy just steal the eggs. a pair bond to each other much better than the other two combinations. and if you change your mind you are all set.
I just don't want to deal with the whole mating.....seeing it, dealing with bad behavior, all the good stuff that goes with owning ducks. I think I heard geese aren't as bad, but I dont' know if I am making that up or not.

I keep going back to thinking I need to get a pair, so that helps me in my decision.
u could get a pair and not let them sit. or you could get 2 females. i'm happy your getting 2, most people think geese are like ducks so they'll be good company for each other but in truth they are 2 COMPLETELY different species that prefer the company of others of there own species.
I'd get two females, because in that case you also get a few eggs a year. Even if you don't use them for crafts or eat them like I do, they make great treats for other animals you may have.
I definitely want to try to eat one, for sure!

You hardly ever catch them doing the deed! That is a wonderful plus to getting geese. Another big difference between ducks and geese, I guess!

Thanks for the info.
I like geese. they're smart, they're very very loyal to their 'loved ones' (if any animal could feel love it would be geese). they're much more modest than ducks. they're more independant. they'de die for they're friends/mates.
they are differnt. most people just think ducks/geese, horses/pony's/donkey's, sheep/goats, llama/alpaca's are so similiar but theyre extremely different than the other

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