White Brahma sickness


Jun 9, 2020
1st time chicken owner. In November we bought 3 RIRs and 5 Brahmas(told about 3months old). About a month after that 1 of the brahmas was acting different. Wouldn't eat/drink, couldn't stand up body was twisty. A few day later she died. A few weeks later another brahma, and the cycle continued until 4 of the 5 died. The biggest healthiest 1"QUEEN" Is still with us today. 7 months later(10months old). Bit unfortunately now she is showing the same symptoms. Could someone please help!! Please!! The RIRs are doing fine!! At 1st I thought maybe Mereks disease now thinking possibly LYMPHOID LEUKOSIS? PLEASE HELP US, THANK YOU!!
I'm so sorry! What a terrible thing to deal with! I'm also sorry nobody has responded. BYC is usually better than this...

Definitely isolate any birds showing symptoms right away! But If the body was "twisty," I would think Marek's. If you lose any others (God forbid), I'd send it in for autopsy.

I hope your Brahma is hanging in there.
I appreciate the response! It sux because like I said she was(is) definitely the leader of the pack. Got her on a few things just to make sure she doesn't have or catch anything else,spending a lot if time with her and she's also earned the right to spend some time in the house during the heat of the day. Thanks again!

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