White bump on chicken comb, any ideas?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 6, 2014
Atlanta, GA
So this bumb showed up on my orp's comb a few days ago. Any idea what it is or what I should do? It looks a bit like a big pimple to me, which has me tempted to pop it. I've got some liquid wound care and thought about daubing some on, but I honestly have no idea what's right here. Sorry it was hard to get her to pose for the camera!


That's odd, it almost looks like a cyst. I have seen tumors that look just like that on some hens that a friend had, but it's not likely that a tumor would show up in matter of days. Has it grown or did it just pop up one day? If it just popped up it could be a bee sting or an allergic reaction to some type of bug bite. If you could (I know this can be a challenging request sometimes) pick her up and try to get a really clear pic of the bump, then that would be great, if you can't that's ok. Has she been acting normal, or a little more sluggish than usual?

Keep us updated and hope all goes well with your hen!!

It honestly just appeared. My first thought was that it was a sting or a bite, but it's been around for severa days now. Maybe it's gotten slightly bigger, but not a whole lot?

I can definitely grab her later and get a better shot. She won't be happy about it, but there are worse things in the life of a chicken.
Ok. That would be great! I'm not sure what it could be though, lumps and bumps can be common in chickens... as long as she is acting normal, I would leave it. If she starts to decline, tell us right away!! It could be an abscess or infection of some type.

Well, I've been traveling for work and haven't had a chance to snap a picture. The bump doesn't appear to be getting any larger, and she's behaving normally. I guess I'm going to assume it's fine and leave it alone. I'll still post a pick if I can grab her this weekend.

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