White chick, greenish legs. What am I?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 29, 2013
I picked this girl out of the "rainbow asst layers" basket at the local feed store. I didn't ask where they order their chicks from.
When I got her at about 2 weeks, she looked like this: She is the one with the white wings and grey back. Her face and belly were yellow.

Now at 4 weeks old (my how time flies!), she looks like this:

You can see her legs are tinted green. Her back is still black underneath all that white fluff. So what are your guesses?
Splash coloured easter egger that needs to lay an egg to make sure its not a cock
I certainly hope not! I picked her out special because I loved her color as a chick. I was hoping for a jersey giant. I'll keep my fingers crossed. She doesn't like people in the slightest- is very skittish, won't even come over for a treat. I definitely won't be keeping any roosters that are mean, so I'm still hopeful for a hen. I guess we will know for sure when she lays- white it's a giant. Colored- an EE.

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