White Cream Legbar Cockrel

Tumbleweed Farm

11 Years
Jun 17, 2011
Benton City, WA
I have a 5 month old white male legbar and a 6 month standard colored legbar cockrel and one standard color 6 week old cockrel. I was holding on to the white one because I was told he was rare. Now I think I'm finding out
he is not desirable and should not breed. Can you legbar experts help me out with this situation?
Just now saw this looking for something else so I'd thought I take a minute.

We have started a Cream Legbar Club and are just now untangling some of the issues with Cream Legbars in the US. This white gene originates with some but not all of the Cream Legbars from Greenfire Farms, where ALL the US Cream Legbars currently come from. For most it poses a problem as it shouldn't be there. Others rather like it and want to make a new variety out of it. All in all very little is known of this white sport variety except that it exists. Personally I would like to keep it out of my flock but I have no idea if I even have that gene. I would say if I go a year hatching no white sports I probably don't have it in my flock.
was told he was rare. Now I think I'm finding out
he is not desirable and should not breed. Can you legbar experts help me out with this situation?
you know. thats how some new colors start. the white cream legbar should be a nice name. they are just like cream legbars(autosexable, barred) but turn completely white when adults. I see something special in them

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