White leg horn 15 weeks old comb not progressing


In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2016
Hello! So I've got a white leg horn whom was purchased at 2 weeks old as a pullet. (Considering the 3 out of my 4 chickens I bought are cockerels, I'm hoping this one is indeed a pullet) she is the smallest of my birds. My concern is she isn't maturing at the proper rate. I've searched these threads, and others white leghorns at this age have more red in their combs and they areally floppy. Hers is still pale and very small. I've posted a pic. Is she even close to laying? Or better yet, is she on track in her maturing? (I'm fairly new to backyard chickens)

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Welcome to Back yard Chickens, a lot of help can be found here, and we all started where you are!

A bit more information would be helpful, such as her age now.

However, if the comb is not bright red, she is still several weeks from laying. Generally, the comb will brighten, you get your hopes up! Then after a couple weeks, she will squat for you, if you don't have a rooster, and then a bit later, when you have about given up, she will lay her first egg! So fun.

I would not worry to much about her size, as leghorns are a egg laying breed, and they often don't have real large bodies. As she is smaller, and still undeveloped in the comb, I would be pretty confident that you have a pullet as roosters mature a bit faster.

Mrs K
Welcome to Back yard Chickens, a lot of help can be found here, and we all started where you are!

A bit more information would be helpful, such as her age now.

However, if the comb is not bright red, she is still several weeks from laying. Generally, the comb will brighten, you get your hopes up! Then after a couple weeks, she will squat for you, if you don't have a rooster, and then a bit later, when you have about given up, she will lay her first egg! So fun.

I would not worry to much about her size, as leghorns are a egg laying breed, and they often don't have real large bodies. As she is smaller, and still undeveloped in the comb, I would be pretty confident that you have a pullet as roosters mature a bit faster.

Mrs K
thank you so so much!! I am beginning to think(from my other post about my australorps) I actually ended up with 3 Cockrell :( she is 14 weeks old. sunshine my leg horn is the only pullet I guess!
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