White leghorn bleeding eye growth


Jul 13, 2021
I’m a newbie, just created this account for my cute snowy girl. She’s 5 months old, and we got her for free because she had a small growth on her eye that has now tripled in size and she seems to have scratched it and it bleeds ALOT. It gets in her ears and beak and she shakes her head and gets blood everywhere. The rest of my flock (7) have been pretty decent to her, she isolated herself tho. Not sure what to do? She also developed some cyst looking things on her neck this week that are firm and clear looking. She is still eating and drinking. It’s been really hot around here so every one has been a little less active. Any tips or advice would so be appreciated. I don’t think we have an avian vet here in Utah?? Attached is some pictures. Her head is wet because I washed her in warm water.


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The cyst on her eye seems to have enlarged due to bleeding in it, which is probably do to the head shaking. Do the cysts on the neck seem to be fluid -filled?
Has she been pecked by the other chickens? Pecking can lead to swelling, abscesses, and some viruses can cause cysts and tumors. Was she vaccinated for anything? I would keep her isolated in a wire dog crate while she has the red growth on her eye so others don’t peck at the red.
Has she been pecked by the other chickens? Pecking can lead to swelling, abscesses, and some viruses can cause cysts and tumors. Was she vaccinated for anything? I would keep her isolated in a wire dog crate while she has the red growth on her eye so others don’t peck at the red.
I haven’t seen them peck her but the bigger ones chase her and another younger one a bit, wouldn’t be surprised if she was pecked. I’ll keep her in a crate for a few days till it looks less bleedy. She’s had the red growth since we had her almost 3 months now.

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