White Leghorns and Molting

Preservation Acres

11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
Murfreesboro, TN
My only hen that still laying right now is a white leghorn that I rescued. She was looking really rough when I got her, and wasn't sure if she'd even live, but with loots of nurturing, she's happy, healthy and living the high life of daily free ranging.

All of my hens are molting heavily now, and my leghorn is the only hen laying now. She's losing a feather here and there and replacing them slowly.

Is this typical with leghorns? Will she eventually replace all of her feathers? I'm hoping yes since she's looking SO MUCH better as her new feathers come out.

My white leghorn just got done molting. She will eventually replace all her feathers. However, Tara hasn't started laying again just yet....I'm trying NOT to become impatient with her because it is getting close to winter down here.
My white leghorn looks like she was near a bomb when it went off.

Her feathers are slowly coming back... but no eggs.
I have 3 White Leghorns & they are molting right now. Hopefully the new feathers come in quick. The weather is turning colder here in Michigan too. It has been unseasonably warm until last Tuesday where normal temps started.
My white leghorn was pretty embarrassed by her moult... she suddenly got very quiet, stopped pushing everyone around... then again she lost her tail for a while

she didnt keep laying though, your just lucky
Our Leghorn, Frit, looks terrible but is still laying. She was our first girl of our flock of nine to drop eggs and is our first to molt.

It started within the past week and thought nothing other than this is natural. She still has a few tail feathers but her rump is all exposed and it looks painful.

This morning I noticed a little bit of blood and think she's being pecked at by the other girls in the coop. I'm not certain of this but as a precaution I've sequestered her from the others. I've applied Bag Balm to the area. Is there is anything else we can do? How long before her feathers come back? Do I let her rejoin the flock?

We're first time chicken farmers and our flock is less than seven months old. We were told that when molting occurs we'd react out of concern but we shouldn't be too alarmed. I feel terrible for her and any advice given will be truly appreciated.

Cabots @ Chez Poulet
Phoenix, Ariz.
This is so interesting. I have a mixed flock of 8, 3 of which are white leghorns. All of the other chickens are clearly molting. Egg production has slowed significantly or stopped for some of them....except for the leghorns. I can't tell if they molted already, or if it's still going to happen, but their egg-laying has scarcely slowed from the moment they started laying. I was starting to wonder if they somehow don't molt at all....

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