Nov 24, 2018 #1 tjogowin Chirping 7 Years Mar 27, 2017 44 11 99 Alvarado Hello, when I bought this White Pavlovskaya as a chick I was told it was a female, but now at 6 months I’m thinking she is a he, your thoughts please. Attachments BB3F0DD8-BDE4-4C0D-A75B-4496880EDF93.jpeg 326.5 KB · Views: 19 Last edited: Nov 24, 2018
Hello, when I bought this White Pavlovskaya as a chick I was told it was a female, but now at 6 months I’m thinking she is a he, your thoughts please.
Nov 24, 2018 #2 andreanar Crowing 5 Years May 16, 2014 2,832 4,928 437 Finger Lakes, NY Im not familiar with the breed, but those streaming, thin feathers hanging down from the saddle make me think cockerel. I hope to have some of the pavs some day.
Im not familiar with the breed, but those streaming, thin feathers hanging down from the saddle make me think cockerel. I hope to have some of the pavs some day.
Nov 24, 2018 #4 EggSighted4Life Enabler 8 Years Apr 9, 2016 17,078 25,229 1,002 California's Redwood Coast Hi, hope you are enjoying BYC! 100% cockerel... They don't earn hen or rooster badges until after 1 year old.
Hi, hope you are enjoying BYC! 100% cockerel... They don't earn hen or rooster badges until after 1 year old.
Nov 24, 2018 #5 sourland Broody Magician Premium Feather Member 15 Years May 3, 2009 163,135 655,891 2,287 New Jersey Cockerel. What is the bird pictured with him ?
Nov 26, 2018 #6 drumstick diva Still crazy after all these years. Premium Feather Member 12 Years Aug 26, 2009 140,917 294,118 2,097 Out to pasture cockerel. I didn't know they came in white. The ones I've seen before had black beards and looked like "monks," no offense intended.
cockerel. I didn't know they came in white. The ones I've seen before had black beards and looked like "monks," no offense intended.