White Plymouth Rock Roo?


5 Years
Dec 27, 2018
I think my pullet turned roo what do you guys think? He’s about 15 weeks. The other chickens around him are the same agebut different breeds. Well I do have a barred rock you can see a tiny bit of but she’s a year old.
Looks like he is about to crow any minute! His feet and legs are bigger than the 1-year-old hen next to him. Standing over the Orpington hen like a male, too.
Looks like he is about to crow any minute! His feet and legs are bigger than the 1-year-old hen next to him. Standing over the Orpington hen like a male, too.
That’s what i was thinking but I don’t have an experience with roosters. I also thought it was odd because he constantly fights with one of my australorps. And she doesn’t seem to be a roo in any way.
That’s what i was thinking but I don’t have an experience with roosters. I also thought it was odd because he constantly fights with one of my australorps. And she doesn’t seem to be a roo in any way.
Maybe the Australorp is not as submissive as the Orp he likes!
Looks like the learning is about to begin. Do you want a rooster, can you keep one? Having not yest begun to crow, the fun is only beginning . . . ;)
We can have them in our area. But I don't really want one. I have a 5 year old son and 3 year old twin boys. BUT but my husband wants a rooster so we can just incubate our own eggs.
We can have them in our area. But I don't really want one. I have a 5 year old son and 3 year old twin boys. BUT but my husband wants a rooster so we can just incubate our own eggs.
Rocks are a pretty mellow breed, at least so far he is only tormenting one hen. I had brown leghorns, and most of them did not make it to 15 weeks. Small, but too many can cause a lot of trouble. If you only have the one boy, he will be one happy guy! White rocks can be pretty good layers, his girls could be nice layers, boys good eating from the size of him. You can get a lot of boys hatching!

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