White, watery poo????


13 Years
Jan 24, 2007
I have 30 layers of various breeds in my large chicken yard. Lately, I have been seeing a ...splurt?.. of completely liquid, water with a whitish tint to it. There are a lot of normal looking poos, but several of these. Any ideas--do I need to worry, or worm, or what? They get egg pellets, and the occasional cup or so of ground corn tossed in to amuse them. Has anyone seen anything like this?
* With 3O, I can imagine it'll be tough singling out the individual(s) with this problem-- but you will need to do so. Maybe watching them at roost a little while will help you find them. They will need to be isolated for examination at least. Someone is not eating or not processing food for some reason. Picking them up one-by-one and testing their weight and checking their crops MAY also help you find the "problem child"-- though not as definitely. . .
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* Sorry, J.-- I'm not trying to be evasive, but, I can only give you some basic steps at this point. Isolate, Examine, Hydrate (with electrolytes), & Feed, IF possible. ED: See, white poo is a stress reaction in chickens. White WATERY poo means the bird is losing fluids--dehydrating. THIS IS BAD. BUT, it's real hard to determine what's causing the stress without the bird to examine. .The only thing you could reasonably do without the bird in hand is have a fecal float test done for parasites, which may or may not be the problem. Meanwhile, though, the specific bird is/could be getting very much sicker. . .
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