whitish diarrhea in older hens ... already tried Sulfamet


12 Years
Nov 9, 2007
Hi... noob here, and mighty glad to find y'all... haven't found a chicken vet yet!

We have a small flock of two generations. The older flock is 5 Rhode Island Red hens, 1 Bantam Frizzle hen, and 3 Bantam roosters. The younger flock is a product of the older flock: 7 RIR/Bant hens and 1 rooster.

The hens in the older flock have been having whitish diarrhea X about a month now. It started with one and now all seem to be affected. In checking our resources (books), we decided it might be Pullorum disease and have treated with Sulfamet liquid in the water (1 Tb/ half-gallon of water) for 6 days. One of the hens that was looking droopy has perked up, but all still have the whitish diarrhea. They're all still laying and eating OK, though I think we need to wait til they've been off meds for 10 days before eating the eggs again (right?).

The younger flock, which sleeps separately but forages over the same area in our yard, seems unaffected. They are not yet laying. They were raised on the chick feed that contains coccidia meds.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

I would suggest you take an ample sample in for a faecal ... this is the only way to truly know since there are several conditions there this can be symptomatic
Thank you dlhunicorn for your response. I'll do that. I'm guessing I should include several droppings in hopes of getting them from more than one bird, and that probably the whole flock should be treated for whatever it is?

Thanks again,


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