Who are these refugee chickens?


11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
Western PA
Got ten refugees in yesterday. Mostly white with some brown schmutz markings on a few feathers on most of them. NO idea what they are -- not leghorns, not Cornish cross. I thought maybe golden comet cockerels, but six of them appear to be pullets. (I hope!)

Photos and the whole story here: http://cynography.blogspot.com/2010/06/refugees.html

ideas about breed(s)?

I'm thinking they are about five weeks old. Opinions?
I think they are Amberlink Sex link.In this Sex link hen is white too,with red speckles.They supposed to be very good layers of brown eggs
If they are pure white and lacking any red on the females, I would probably say those are White Plymouth Rocks. The males however, seem to be a confection of some sort. I haven't seen amber link males, but it's a definite possibility.
Amber Links seem likely. I called Mount Healthy, which sells them (and which many local feed stores use) and they offered to look at some photos and give an opinion, so I'm emailing them now!

I had thought because it had "link" in the name that the pullets and cockerels would look different, but the lady at Mt. Healthy said no, they look alike.

If so, looks like I got six good future layers by agreeing sight-unseen to do a good deed.
Mount Healthy says they look like Amber links to them.

Thanks ve! I will declare this mystery resolved.

They are doing quite well, and are clearly looking forward to becoming free-range chickies when their quarantine is up.

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