She/He looks like an Ameraucana, based solely on pics I have seen. But I have never been very good at figuring out the "ladies"
The farm we bought her/him from had no clue. So I thought I would ask the eggs-perts.
Here's another pic; same chick
And another (last one):
And here's 3 more pics of another I can't figure out. He/She's beautiful and looks "blue" with feathers starting to come in on her/his legs and feet. Any ideas?
You can really see her/his "blue" in this pic below:
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The farm we bought her/him from had no clue. So I thought I would ask the eggs-perts.
Here's another pic; same chick
And another (last one):
And here's 3 more pics of another I can't figure out. He/She's beautiful and looks "blue" with feathers starting to come in on her/his legs and feet. Any ideas?
You can really see her/his "blue" in this pic below:
Any help is greatly appreciated.