Who are we?? (pics included)


11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
Daytona - Florida
She/He looks like an Ameraucana, based solely on pics I have seen. But I have never been very good at figuring out the "ladies"

The farm we bought her/him from had no clue. So I thought I would ask the eggs-perts.


Here's another pic; same chick


And another (last one):

And here's 3 more pics of another I can't figure out. He/She's beautiful and looks "blue" with feathers starting to come in on her/his legs and feet. Any ideas?




You can really see her/his "blue" in this pic below:


Any help is greatly appreciated.
The first one does look like it could be an easter egger. I'm not recognizing it as anything else specific, at least...

The second one looks like it could be a cochin, or cochin cross. The feathering on the legs and feet doesn't look as heavy as my little hatchery bantam cochins did at that age.
Jossane - I was hoping she/he was an Ameraucana but after learning a bit more about the breed she/he is missing several tell-tale signs:

no green legs - they are actually yellow
no eyeliner - it's actually white around the eyes in the chick I have
while most Ameraucanas have black around their eyes

guess we'll just have to wait to the end of the movie to figure out what she/he is.
Some of my araucanas have lighter green legs when they are little. Yours looks like one I have now. The second one looks like a araucana mix (maybe with cochin), legs look really green.

Just a guess, I am not an expert, but I have several breeds of chickens and raised nearly all from chicks. They r cute.
Ameraucanas are not supposed to have green legs. The green leggers are the EE. Hatcheries call them ameraucanas, but they are not. I'm not sure if 'most' ameraucanas have eyeliner, mine is black, so no eyeliner there. You should do a search here on BYC about ameraucanas v. EE, not on the general web.
Araucanas are supposed to be rumpless and/or tufted, that chick is neither
The puffs on this chicks face are considered muffs, not tufts.
the second one actually looks like a silkie X , 5 toes and dark skin....

first pic looks like EE mix...they can be any color....

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