Who else can't wait to see the movie "Warhorse"? ***SPOILER ALERT**

True Grit

9 Years
May 2, 2010
Orono, Minnesota
My Coop
My Coop
Directed by Steven Spielberg, the trailer looks awesome. I'm dying to see it. I'm not quite sure if it is being released on Christmas Day or the 28th. I have to cook dinner on Christmas for DH's family otherwise I would so be at the theatre early in the day, just in case I wanted to see it twice.

ETA. I was told there are spoilers added to the thread so beware...
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I saw the live play in New York back in April. It was the best piece of theatre that I have ever seen (and I have worked in theatre for almost 20 years so I have seen a lot of theatre!!)

It was absolutely beautiful and very moving. I teared up at the end and I'm not really a cryer. I have high hopes that the movie will be just as good.
The Princess and I are going to see this movie on Christmas day. I am excited. 12/26 our kids and their kids are coming to our house so we have Christmas day to ourselves.

Just checked and it is playing here in NJ on 12/25.
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Oh I didn't know it was a play. That must have been an interesting production. I'm not a cryer either but if dogs or horses get hurt or killed (don't tell me!) that starts up the waterworks..
sourland you two are so lucky!
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I wanted a horse my entire childhood. I got one in my thirties and trained him from the ground up myself.it was truly a dream of mine come true..... Until I had to sell him due to my divorce and jerk ex husband. I had no where to keep him. I wanted VERY much to see it until I saw the segment where the young man is telling the horse he will find him no matter what. I can't bear to know the pain again. I can't go see it. Somebody please tell me it has a happy ending.
I took my kids to see it a couple weeks ago. It was the first war movie my boys have seen and they really enjoyed it. It had some intense parts, a couple funny parts and overall was very well done.
I won't be able to see it for a while due to a surgery, but I'm hoping to see it by February. I absolutely loved Black Beauty, and I have a feeling that this movie is going to be better.
I was like that too and finally could afford my first horse when I was 29. He was green broke though. I actually did sell him and then sold my second one to pay taxes on my house. I'm sorry you lost yours and hope you can get another one day.

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