Who Has The Turkey?


7 Years
Mar 18, 2012
Port Orchard, Wa
I spent hours yesterday trying to find the flying duck pictures with the scene stealing turkey and I keep coming up empty. Does anyone remember what thread that was?
I spent hours yesterday trying to find the flying duck pictures with the scene stealing turkey and I keep coming up empty. Does anyone remember what thread that was?
How random is it that I see this? Those are my pictures :gig
Thank you! I was telling my daughter about the pictures yesterday and how we should think about getting a turkey. Now I can show her how cute they can be.
Thank you! I was telling my daughter about the pictures yesterday and how we should think about getting a turkey. Now I can show her how cute they can be. :weee :ya
No problem :D Glad you liked the pictures! My turkeys are super friendly. Raise them from poults for the best temperaments. They also fly really well (the heritage kind).
My tom likes to perch on the bird feeder and look through my window :p

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