Who here has 5foot fencing or open tops on day runs?


12 Years
Aug 4, 2007
Just me? My fence is 5foot and 4 foot in places, I am really hoping that my chickens wont learn to fly out. As 4 of them are bantys but I also dont have a top to my pen which makes it vunerable. I do have bushes and plants in there that at least 15 chickens can hide under if needed plus it gives great shade. But am I alone here?
well, I will tell you my LF girls have gotten into my dog pen over a 6 ft fence, not good for my girls
Same here... last year lost chickens to them perching on top of the 6 foot tall dog kennel. Dog was smart enough to figure out that if he bounced off the fence, there was a 50% chance they'd land on his side...

That being said, either go taller, roof it with wire, or get the netting. I did netting over my day run and no more surprises!

How do you make them not want what is on the other side? Open areas, green grass...and me.
Nope! You are not alone.
My run fence is6ft on one side and about 5 ' 5" on the front side. I have a ladder roost in the run that goes up half way. So the birds are only a couple of feet from the top. Our run is not covered. We have had this system for over a year and have never had a bird escape!! They will wander out of the gate on to the lawn if I don't latch the gate, but that's OK! I do have 3 bantams but the all the others are standard.



The first pic shows the birds using the roost! The second one shows you how close it is to the top of the run. I was taking a picture of the snow! This was only a about 2 weeks ago!! Hope this helps!
I dont have to worry about my dog. My labrador just died and I wouldnt have been worried about him anyways. My other dog a Chihuahua is an inside dog and wouldnt hurt a fly anyways.

The only worry I have is hawks. The chickens will be in the coop at night and I cannot put a top on my run because I have tall trees in it and Rabbit hutches.
Hi, our run fence is just about 5 feet high, maybe a little less. It is not covered as it was an existing structure. Had we built it, we probably would have covered it. It's a pretty big area to cover and if we do cover it, it would be kinda hard to go in and out which I like to do. I am thinking of clipping their wings so they can't fly out. I have a chair in there that one chick was up on and getting closer to the top. Wonder if he had gotten to the top if he would have tried going over? Maybe. I like it being open but don't like the fact that they could probably get over if they really wanted and that a cat could climb in if it wanted.
Wow, I hope my chickens will be as well behaved as those ones! I feel okay now
I'm thinking if I have problem chickens I will clip their wings but I really want them to be able to fly a little and not be impaired. Who knows what that could do to them. Does anybody clip their chickens wings?

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