Who owns Mexican Speckled Quail? Tuxedo or White Coturnix Quail?


Whispers Loudly
10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Lincoln, Nebraska
I would really like to get a few of each of those (and found someone close selling all of theirs) , but dont know how easy they are to raise. I have Bobwhite quail, but thats all..

So, what are your experiences with these three types?
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I have Coturnix that I hatched, raised, had lay eggs and hatched those...
Easy birds to work with.
I hatched out 7 Mexican Speckled quail but it seems they are seasonal enough that I will have to wait until spring to see how well they lay and those eggs hatch.
Mexican Speckled Are Merely A Fancy Color Variation Of The Bob Whites You Already Have, So You Should Have An Idea Of How Hard/ Easy They Are To Care For. Tuxedo And White Are Both Coturnix--- Take The Care Of Bob Whites And Cut It Down To 1/4. They Are Much Easier To Raise And Handle

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