who raises ducks?


11 Years
Feb 21, 2008
I am wanting to add a couple of ducks to my farm. Any suggestions to what to get? No mean ducks though .LOL and is there anyone near East TExas that has them? If not how much would it cost if you could ship a couple?
Your best bet would be to look into all the different breeds and pick a few you like, then ask more specific questions till you can narrow down which ones you'd prefer and which would fit your particular area/climate etc...
Yes, figure which ducks you might like to have around. Feel free to ask questions here, if need be.

My suggestion is to start with ducklings. Most likely there is a feed store near you where you can buy them. If not, check on Craigslist in your area. I found a pair of adult ducks on Craigslist that way.

The advantage to starting with ducklings is that they will bond with you better than if you get them as adults.
Ducks like to flock -- so I'd recommend a few, if you have adequate space.

The breed you choose really depends on what you want ducks for. Some breeds are great layers but are more flighty (like Runners). Other breeds get large and make good meat birds (Rouens are always nice).

If you're looking for an all-around pet, there's plenty of breeds to pick from. Some are better for exhibition and can be fun to breed and work to improve their genetics.

Housing matters, too. Some smaller breeds will take flight and can roam large areas. Other larger breeds are happy to keep both feet on the ground and want to stick close to home.

Your best bet is to pick a few finalist breeds and then talk with folks on here or do research at Feathersite for more details.

Good luck. You'll love keeping ducks. They're a blast!
I like the white waddle type ducks. I want a pair for just pleasure really and maybe some eggs. I also like the colorful ones too, but don't want a flighty bird, just some to have on the farm. I will look on craigs list, but I think i want baby ducks to bond with.
I called 1 feed store and they won't get any until after Easter had the hatchey's go up on them cause of Easter, the guy told me, so>>>>
I will call around somemore and see if I can find some. Do you have some suggestions on a breed that is docile, pretty, good pets?
Get some that don't fly!!!!!
I have mallards but you have keep those wings trimmed or they will be someone's dinner when hunting season arrives. I don't treat them any different than my hens. Whatever the hens eat is what they eat along with some corn chops. And they like to eat grass with the geese. I order my ducks from Ideal but they are hard to ship because they dehydrate quick. You will be better finding some local. They also like lots and lots of water to drink. Have a nice day.
It might be worth getting them from the feed store, if they will be getting the ones you want. I didn't check where you were located, but after 3 or 4 weeks you will desperately want to get the ducklings outdoors in a pen, rather than indoors in a brooder, so make sure the weather will have warmed by then or that you have a heat lamp for them.

I think Pekin is maybe what you are thinking, but I don't know how docile or pet-like any ducks are. In my experience they can be docile at times, but drakes can potentially be unruly and ducks (females) become somewhat stand-offish as they mature. If you spend a lot of time with them, you will increase your chances of having a more pet-like duck. Also I hear having just one duck will result in the same, but I don't think that is very fair for the duck.

A few people here have said they really enjoy the temperament of muscovy ducks (females anyway).
my dad had a duck that he watched hatch. It was male mallard. That duck followed him everywhere he would go. It would jump in the truck if he would let it. I thought that was so funny. When he walked out the house, there it was waiting for him! You would never see him at home without the duck following him.

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