Whoohoo! Silkie eggs arrived


Queen Of Clueless
11 Years
Jul 27, 2008
Hi, these were actually a present from my BF, I won an auction and he paid for them. What a guy.
He is very tolerant of my hobbies.
Anyway, these eggs came from Michigan, they are a mix of partridge,buff, black, white, splash and I THINK blue. He was kind enough to pencil the color on each egg.
There were supposed to be 12 but he sent me 18! I am SO glad I got that other incubator. I am going to use it as a hatcher as I have a few Dutch Banty and mixed layer eggs as well at this point. I am candling the Dutch after the weekend, the layers the week after.(I posted I only have three of those right now because of a post office mishap.
This is an addiction but I cant think of a better one.

Fingers crossed that some hatch.
Thank you. Between this and another silkie order my daughter should have enough to pick from for 4H.
This is the breed she especially wanted us to have so I hope it at least somewhat goes well.
Well, I have these and also have a smaller group of silkie eggs coming. If we can get something out of all that, it would be great, otherwise we will just have to keep trying!

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