Whoop Whoop would like to thank you all

whoop whoop

Apr 26, 2015
Rainbow Nation
Its been such a pleasure to meet like minded people from all over the world, you have all been so kind not only reading my waffle but replying to it. Normally when I go on about my 'stuff', to people, they reply with 'get a life woman' but I have a life just they don;t understand the wonderment of nature.

I vote BYC to rule the world, I reckon that we would all do a better job than all the corruption and hate that exists out there. Nature is cruel but there is normally a reason, whereas people are downright evil, selfish and corrupt. I am totally addicted to BYC so much so that I am late feeding my humans,but never my animals and birds - I think my hubby will divorce me as he keeps saying 'chickening again' and has had to have take out this whole week.

All I have to do now is 'manage my subscriptions' which I am not sure how but I am sure Tella will help me. I haven't heard from 'Drumstick Diva' for a while is she ok.

Anyway thank you all for your support and advice and generally everything.
How about that, you write my name and bingo I was drawn to this thread now. Isn't that spooky? I was just thinking about ice cream - should I finish the package or save some for tomorrow? Now and then I hide stuff so well in the freezer, I don't find it for weeks. It is wonderful to think you are out of ice cream and then FLASH find something hidden behind the ice trays.

But, I don't have the willpower to purposely portion it out slowly and make it last. I don't get to the grocery store until next Thursday. I only have 4 little cups of True Moo swirl left. They will not see the light of dawn if I have my way with them. But saving doesn't make sense, they still wont stretch till Thursday. Soooo. BTW this was a new product for me and I had a $ 1.00 cpn. so HAD to try it. It said light ice cream - I figured this meant healthier than premium. BUT, tiny little cup is 390 calories, which I didn't discover till I ate the first few.

When I have stuff in the freezer it calls to me. It will call all day and night until I silence it. I am capable of typing out lucid sentences that aren't about ice cream but, when it's calling me, I can't think of anything else. You will have to forgive me. I'm going to "Off " the survivors. Hopefully I will be able to think about something else tomorrow.

Aren't you sorry you asked about me.... insert evil laugh here.....
No not sorry at all - love reading your replies. I make my own ice cream and it never lives long in the freezer I also make frozen yogurt for hubby as he is diabetic. Any excuseto get to the ice cream and when we have power cuts everything comes out - no bowls just spoons!!!!
my brother is diabetic and he is passive/aggressive about my ice cream addiction. He hollers at me for hunting out ice cream in the grocery stores "I KNEW I would find you by the ice cream!" Then he turns around and tells me what store has it on sale for the best price, and gives me ice cream coupons he cut out. Am I right?

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