who's my baby mamma?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 4, 2008
so.......it all started with a broodie silkie and almost ended with a trash can!

chicken had been broody for several weeks, so we decided to let her sit on her first clutch...problem, no rooster
called a few friends & got an egg delivery lined up for following mon (set up incubator,in case she gave up). saturday...2yr old daughter & i went walking in the park & what do we find right next to the sidewalk? a duck egg! we collect it & decide to put it under the chicken....why not? it's prob NOT FERTILE anyway & it would have been smashed by the schoolkids if left where it was....figured it would make the broody hen happy to sit on something other than stolen eggs LOL

well, do a little research....duck eggs take several days LONGER (28 rather than 21...unless it's muscovy then add 4 more days) than chicken eggs to incubate...so it will still need to go in incubator, IF FERTILE,once chicken eggs hatch

candled at day 10....OMG!!!!! There's a peep in there!!!!! I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED (So much cooler to candle a duck egg than a chicken egg btw, since i only have colored egg layers & the duck egg was white & HUGE)

incubated under silkie 29 days, then put in bator(momma hen finally kicked it out w/the other egg that didn't hatch) just in case...had started pipping, but i saw no real progress after 4days & it looked like it died during pip(no sounds either)....unplugged the incubator on day 31 & put unhatched eggs (still in closed bator) outside around 8am...

came home from church and errands around 3pm & asked son to open bator & air it out so we could clean it & do necropsy on "quitter" eggs

"MOM!!!!!!!!!!" he screams "THE DUCK HATCHED!!!!!!!"

here enters "MING MING"

well, needless to say, I know "she" is a a duck, but the question remains....

"Who is my baby momma?"

(We have MANY breeds at the duck pond near our house)

pics coming....photobucket is ticking me off...fa...fa....
that's what i'm hoping!!!!!
we have several magpie,muscovy,mallard & more at the pond....i would love a magpie

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