Who's ready for Spring!?


◊The Spontaneous Pullet!◊
15 Years
Aug 19, 2008
Spring is tomorrow! And although there's still some snow left, a lot of it melted during the warm temperatures and rain.

I can't wait until Spring! Is anyone else waiting impatiently???
Yep! and soon all the incubators will be coming out more and the hatcheries will be selling LOTS of cute little chicks and eggs!
I am so ready for spring! I love to get the riding mower out and cruise the yard! No more snow to plow through to get to the barns! No more frozen waterers! No more snow in the boots! Oh ..... good ridance snow!!!!! Pretty yes ..... but we had too much this year.
We moved to a new house lst spring and planted over 500 bulbs in the fall. I've got all these little shoots coming up everywhere. I can't wait for spring, I think it is going to be beautiful!

Except for my allergies kicking in that is.
I'm ready!! My 8 year old was saying this morning how nice it is to hear the bullfrogs at the pond at night and the birds singing to us in the morning. We even have our hummingbird scouts out checking the feeders. I am so happy!
It hit 62 degrees a couple days ago!!! So much nicer than 20 below! only 27 now but it is the last day of winter and it has to have a last gasp after all.

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