Why aren't my chickens laying eggs?


In the Brooder
Jan 12, 2016
Littlerock California
Sorry if this sounds too pushy but I'm anxious. I have 3 leghorns, 1 Easter Egger, and a lot of gamefowl chickens. NONE of them have started laying. They are all healthy, and the average temperature here is 50 degrees. I seen chickens lay in the snow so I'm sure the cold isn't it. Anyone? Thanks in advance.
how long have you had them ? a few days is not enough.

I find that diet and housing have a lot to do with it. Mine keep laying all winter regardless of how many neighbors tell me that their chooks have stopped laying. Mine are better fed and freerange, so they'd be more likely to lay than cooped up. Their chicken tractor is not too bad either, large and secure.
If you wonder about diet, then give them your food scraps along with those from the neighbors or local restaurants or markets. A lawn is not food. Leaf litter in a garden is food, the deeper the mulch the better. They'll pick through and find all the critters they like to eat.

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