Why do they like pecking our bare feet?


8 Years
May 19, 2011
Our chickens will be grazing near us, and then on purpose peck our feet, again, and again, and again, if you let them. I don't like it so I jump, cause sometimes I don't see them coming an they peck me by surprise , and today 6 of them were looking like they wished to peck my feet so I clapped my hands and scared them all off.

It's apparent I am going to have to wear shoes when sitting out in my own yard, or they'll never leave my feet alone. My parents think I am silly for not liking them attacking my feet, they say well it don't hurt, and maybe I am just a baby, but it does kind of hurt, and at the very least it's unpleasant.
One of them kind of got what it deserved when I startled it jumping after it pecked me lol.

It's not when you're walking they bother you, it's when you're sitting still.
True, but what's so appealing about white feet? I guess it looks differnt than the rest of their enviroment?

The turkeys are similarly interested in fingers, if yuo stick your fingers where they can see them poking into the enclosure, they WILL bite them, an then look disappointed lol. Note I did not put my fingers in the baby turkeys enclosure to tempt them to bite me, it just worked out that way lol, They saw my hands above the opening of their brooder box and were like oh, hey!


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