Why Do You Love Your Langshans?


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
And, also, what drawbacks could this breed have?

I'm pondering breeds to go on the list for adding to the flock next spring. Of course if you look at hatchery descriptions all chickens are entirely awesome. ;)

I like black, white, and black and white chickens. I live in a hot, humid climate with mild winters and I'm on extremely well-drained soil so that feathered feet are not a problem. And I want a varied, colorful egg basket. I had a Black Langshan from Ideal in my in-town flock and she laid interesting, pixelated eggs.

So, why do you love your Langshans?
I no longer have any pure langshans but I have lots of their crossbred offspring that take after the langshan side almost entirely. I loved mine because they were so regal and they’ve got that big, broad tail and their body shape was attractive. I had black langshans and I enjoyed their beetle green sheen they had. It was easily transmitted to the crossbred chicks so they’ve kept that gene. They also were very calm natured and would fly up on my shoulders at feeding time. I live in Mississippi so they are one of the few feather-legged breeds that could handle the rain and mud without looking like a drowned rat. I bred mine to have tight, short feathers on their legs to reduce the chance of them getting soiled while at the same time still maintaining the integrity of the breed. An unfortunate incident with a fox wiped out all but my dominant rooster. I decided just to use him for a project I’ve been working on.

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