Why does my chicken have an addiction to lead paint?

Mamma Athena

In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 6, 2013
Delmar, New York
Hi all,
We just brought a chiken inside the house to recover from the flu. She's all better now. She used to be such a joy to have walking around the house and squaking from here to there. She would eat the lettuce we gave her. Such a pleasure. She is a red sex link and lays every day.

Our house was built in the 1820's so it's under renovation. There's lead paint on some of the oors and windows, but just regular paint on the walls. Our lovey little layer seems to have an addiction to paint. We bring her out of the hutch to roam, but now she just goes straight for the walls and windows. He starts pecking away at the paint I don't know what to do to stop her. Is it her breed? Please respond. I not want to have a cooped up chicken that can't Pam because of her addiction.

Mamma Athena
Oh, that's terrible! I had a chicken that kept eating the lead paint on the outside door - I cured her of that by chucking water at her every time she did. Mean, but effective.

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