Why haven't my chickens laid yet?


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2017
I have 4 chickens and they are between 20-22 weeks and still haven't laid. They were between 1 and 3 weeks when we got them but the place didn't say how old. I have 2 barred rocks and two rhode island reds (RIR). They seem to be he healthy. Does anyone have and suggestions or tips they would be appreciated?
They are not ready yet......20-22 weeks is when some birds may start laying, but it can be 28 weeks or later. The eggs will come just continue to provide good nutrition, hydration and housing
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My barred rock and New Hampshire red hens are 26 weeks..very happy and healthy but no eggs yet. the BR started with the egg song activity so should be soon. i have other breeds that reliably laid at 24 weeks..they are all different. dont worry!

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