Why won't my big girls play nice???


9 Years
May 2, 2014
i have the most lovesble little Deleware/mix chick. She is so dag gone sweet! But my older girls (13 months) are so mean to her. She's about 8 weeks old and has been in the coop for about 3-4 weeks now. She's my only baby and there are the older ones. Will they ever get along? Why do they have to be so mean? :(
It's called henpecking. They just like to pick on the smaller chickens. And they will never be nice to your smaller chicken. Sorry
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As long as nobody is seriously harming her, I think it will be fine. Once she grows up a bit, her standing in the flock may change. At 8 weeks old, she is significantly smaller and younger than your other birds. You might try getting a few pullets the same age as her so she can be a part of a flock her own age. In a few months you could integrate the two groups.
She's the loan surviver of my group of babies. (Had 3 but my dog killed 2!). I know there is a pecking order but they really bully her. I wonder if she will ever fit in. :(

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