why won't my chick walk?


9 Years
May 14, 2010
Malvern, AR
I have a chick who dosn't walk. If he needs to get somewhere he kind of hop walks like he is in pain and he sits back after a couple of steps and lays back down but when I pick him up and look at him and check his legs it doesn't hurt him. He spends 95% of his time laying down. He eats laying down, he drinks laying down, and he poops laying down. He even fights off the others while he is laying down, like if they step on him he will turn around and peck them. He acts like all the others except he dosn't stand up. Does anyone know why he dosn't get up?
I got them Friday but I couldn't really tell if he was one of the ones laying down all the time because they kept dieing. I noticed it yesterday afternoon and I didn't think he would live through the night but he did and he is still like that tonight although he did get up and walk around for about two minutes a couple hours ago, that is the longest I have seen him standing since I noticed him not walking.
i would make sure it gets water hold it by the water for a bit or use a syringe but i would search on how to feed a chick with a syringe
He eats and drinks fine he just wobbles over to the food and lays down to eat and does the same to get water. I think I have figured out what is wrong though. One of the other chicks grabs the legs out from under the others and tries to pull their legs off, I seen him do it to one of the other chicks who now limps. The chick who couldn't walk has now learned to limp, so he is up and about now.

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