Why won't my chickens come out of their coop


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
We just built a coop for our chickens. They have been in it for about 2 weeks. Yesterday we finished the run and I figured as soon as I opened the door they would run out. They were always trying to get out of the "human" door when I would go in. I've had their door open for about 3 hours now and they have only ventured to the bottom edge of the ramp and then they go back in. I just looked out and they were all back in side again. I've thrown some food in the grass hoping it would entice them out and they came out and pecked and went back in. I even found a worm and put it on their ramp and one came out and grabbed it and went back inside.

Will they eventually come out on their own or do I need to force them out?
Maybe if you turned off the coop tv and took away their video game privileges, they'd want to play outside. Seriously, they'll come out when their natural curiosity gets the best of them. Let them come out on their own terms.
Seriously, would you want to be "outed" before you were ready?
You may have to force them out a couple of times, if not all of them than maybe a couple. They'll soon get the hang of it, and love it oudoors.
Well orps are known to "tolerate confinement well."
Ours took a while before they were comfortable going out but but now they're all over the yard. When the weather is nice if we keep them locked up in the run they trill and chirp at us (chikie-tantrums) for not letting them out. When weather is bad, ie any hint of rain, they all run inside. They're a really good indicator of rainfall heheh. Are you having good weather?

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