Wich would you get EaterEgger or Turken?

I don't know what to do............I wish i wasn't wierd and thought the turkens were ugly but I love them
Who ever knew deciding chicks would be so hard
you know i wont say a thing couse you got wyandottes, i like them.

but honestly i think that my avatar is better looking than yours, so this ain't ugly.

Chicken0Boy get your self some beautifull naked neck,and if you want i will send you some free eggs from my birds,jist pay for shiping.

so when you hatch them you will see on what you have been missing.

and hope some other people will learn that all are chickens purty

oh, well if you love them, then for sure you get one of each!!!!!!!

ETA: NAVA......i have to disagree, I'm so sorry
But i respect everyone liking what they like.
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