Wicked Chicken Hen House


5 Years
Dec 22, 2014
Bend, Oregon
We are a chicken-loving couple who have around 400 girls..give or take a few...and sell our eggs in a u-serve egg hut/mercantile. Our girls are housed in several coops..all done in an old western style..a saloon, jail house/sherrif office, mercantile and the 'no tell hotel'! Basically free range behind a very large yard, we have some very, very happy girls!
The Yard End of June 2014 022.JPG
Beautiful back yard July 2015 038.JPG
Welcome to Backyard Chickens! We are glad you joined the flock!:welcome BYC is a helpful site providing all the information you need to know about poultry! There is always space for more members on the BYC roost!:highfive: Your coops are are wonderfully built! Do you breed chickens? Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!

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