Wild Bird Pests!! How to get rid of them?


7 Years
Sep 13, 2015
We have this crazy wild bird problem! Sometimes, in the mornings as we let the chickens out numbers in the range of 40-50 birds will fly out of the coop!:barnie The birds are wild pigeons and these black things that we don't know what they are, annoying birds is what we call them. They poop ALL OVER stuff in the chicken coop and eat all of their food and scratch!

Anyone else have this problem and/or ideas to help GET RID of these birds!! They have been doing this all winter and don't show signs of stopping now that it's spring.:(
I think the blacks are starlings.They range very large.I haven’t had this issue but certain times of year they come and sit in our trees and OUR SO LOUD and annoying cause it’s just hundreds of them.Id scare them every time you geta chance,so you have a dog?My chickens fight wild birds,escpecially the bantams So they don’t Seem to hang around.
Yes, just looked them up they look very much like starlings..ugh annoying things. They're not very loud but there are tons of them. I do have dogs but they don't get along with the chickens very well..long story. They will fight them if they land on the ground and peck at the sometimes in the coop but other than that, not much.:hmm
The coop is a converted 10x10 shed, doors are human sized so I can see why they would be a problem. Most of the birds are there in the morning though so I'm hoping after we fix the pop door they'll be less of an issue.
The reason I asked about door size is the coop I had in the country had a horse sized door and starlings would sometimes head inside.

Best thing I can recommend is using a chicken sized door at chicken height.

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