Will Buff Orps be picked on by my other chicks?


11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
QCA, Illinois
I'm the proud owner of 6 Araucana (or maybe Ameraucana or EE) chicks and I just ordered 4 Buff Orps and 4 Golden Comet chicks. Then I read on this site a cute pictorial story about Buff Orps (the lady had 5 of them) and she said she got only BO's because they were so timid they tend to be picked on. These 6 Araucanas are pretty bold and brassy and I sure hope they don't pick on the BO's! The hatchery lady said they can all go in the same brooder box since they are only a week apart in age.

Any thoughts on this. I really do want a mixed flock!
Well, I have two exhibition Buff Orpingtons who are 9 mo. old and 14 mo. old. My smaller mixed hen is the dominant hen in the flock, but she hasn't drawn blood. Normal pecking order behavior is to be expected, but I don't think it will keep any chicken from surviving. All my birds manage to eat and drink and find a place to roost. The more room you have, the better, and be prepared to isolate a troublemaker in a dog crate, isolation pen, or even cat carrier if vicious behavior is observed. Sometimes isolating an aggressive chicken for a few days takes a little wind out of its sails, so to speak. Just watch and learn!
Thanks for the advice and help! I got my Buff Orps today and they are just too cute!!! They seem to be doing fine with my week old EE chicks.
Gindee, that was my site you referenced. I have to admit that I was just a fraidy cat when it came to choosing my chicken breed. I was going the absolute safest route possible, because I am a beginner with chickens. I'm sure other people have done what you're doing and all their girls are fine together. Go for it!

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