Will free range Ringneck Pheasants stay around?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
I enjoy seeing pheasant in the area we live in, but have never seen any on our property. I have seen lots of Quail though. I live on a 10 acre vineyard that does have a lot of cover. I also have a few free range chickens. Does anyone know that if I purchase some ringneck pheasants to raise if they would stay around the vineyard and would they get along with my chickens?
No, unfortunately pheasants are not like chickens and will run off when released. You may see them around occasionally, but chances are they will get eaten or hunted very quickly. Tey are great for keeping in a nice large aviary though, and it is fun to landscape the area for them.
They will stay around possibly. It's really a toss up. I've seen a lot get released and stay around for months before being killed off by predators. But other times (like when my son let go of our whole breeding group one day, OOPS), they don't stick around.
Pheasants are not the type that like to stay to be eaten!

No. Trust me. I had 3 that I raised from babies... 2 somehow managed to get out of their pens, and when I tried to catch them... fhew. They flew away. Unforchunately they probably ended up a fox or coyote dinner...
I have to agree, they wont really stick around. I had 2 pairs that I set loose last year. I found one of the males dead on my way to work, I know it was him because I banded them all. They disapeared until about a week ago, then I started seeing the trio in the chicken yard, they are hangin around and the male has been trying to impress some of the barred rocks.
Oh lemme add... Around here, the hunters see a loose pheasant and they could care LESS if it's pheasant hunting season or not, they start shooting. I've seen 'em do it and been in the taxidermy shop when proud daddys brought in their sons with their first dead pheasant~ OUT OF SEASON! So... maybe releasing them isn't the best idea anyway, unless of course you own 100's of acres!

Nope, free range pheasants won't stay around like the gentle chickens will. Chickens are a domestic flock breed, while pheasants are a wild game breed and flighty.

We have never had luck keeping them around here either...2 years ago someone put out a nice flock of 16 and they would feed in our apple orchard with the wild birds....haven't seen them since...
yes actually. We raised a Ringneck pheasant from a chick and he’s super tame. He loves to be in the house with us, he has favourite ppl, he never flies off. We also take him to the park often and he loves it. You can take a look at our insta @Wingnut_the_pheasant. Lots of photos and videos of our free range/house pheasant, Wingnut ❤

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