Will I get sexlinks if I cross these chickens?????


12 Years
Aug 11, 2007
Two questions
1-If I breed my Cherry Egger Rooster to my Barred Rock hens will I get black Sex links????

2- I ordered 2 White Wyandottes if I breed them to my Cherry Egger Rooster next year will I get Red sex links??? If not what white breeds does this work with???Other then the Leghorn.

Thanks in advance
Yes with the Cherry Egger and Barred Rocks but the other combination depends on if the white wyandotte has the silver factor gene.Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Ok so I need to change my McMurry order from Wyandottes to White Rocks. White Orpingtons wouldn't work either I take it?
How do you know if they would have the silver gene or not???

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