Fawn and Fam

10 Years
Apr 2, 2013
We have two 3 week old pullets. Later this year we plan on getting 2-4 muscovies (male & female) hatchlings. We will have them in our house till they are ready to go out. Then they will be sharing the same 4'x8' coop and run. I'm wondering if my 2 young chicken hens will accept the younger Muscovies and vica versa? My cousin has both chicken hens and male and female Muscovies together in the same size coop- though they are free range. She said one chicken hen hatched one set of Muscovies and one Muscovy hatched a set of chicks!
We have two 3 week old pullets. Later this year we plan on getting 2-4 muscovies (male & female) hatchlings. We will have them in our house till they are ready to go out. Then they will be sharing the same 4'x8' coop and run. I'm wondering if my 2 young chicken hens will accept the younger Muscovies and vica versa? My cousin has both chicken hens and male and female Muscovies together in the same size coop- though they are free range. She said one chicken hen hatched one set of Muscovies and one Muscovy hatched a set of chicks!
I really would not want to keep my Muscovys and my chickens in the same coop, my chickens are LF and my Scovys will grab feathers when they walk by so keeping them in the same coop I'd probably have bald chickens eventually. Now during the day they are all together running free range and can stay out of each others way, another thing you have to think about to, a drake will try to mate with just about anything including a hen which is usually a death sentence for a chicken, I'm sure my scovy's would sit on chicken eggs and vise versa but keeping them all together wouldn't work here.

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