I have 17 chickens, 2 of which are cold hardy (Barred Rocks) and some who are ok in cold and others who are not. It is supposed to get down to 30F tonight with a frost advisory from 4am to 10am. I went to put the heat lamp up and as soon as it came on, everyone jumps on the roosts and some hens begin pecking others. I decided against the heat lamp because the pecking wouldn't stop. As soon as the lamp went off... silence. The pecking and squawking stopped. I have a fear the water will freeze and my birds as well. I have a frizzle Cochin, smooth feathered Cochin, Silkies, Red Sex Links, Cuckoo Marans, Tetra Tints and of course, Barred Rocks. There's 17 all together. Will they be warm enough? This is the coldest night so far. Tomorrow night it's going to be 41F for the low. I wanted the heat lamp on mostly so their water wouldn't freeze and because its 10 to 15 degrees colder than it has been all at once.