Will my female "over mate" the other female


In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2020
I have two female Pekin ducks, Shia and Beepers. Ive had Shia since she was a chick and I got Beepers back in September when Shia's mate died. Beepers was my Aunt's duck, her mate died as well and so my aunt gave her duck to me so our ducks wouldn't be lonely. They get along nicely, they walk around together all the time and they dont fight. Beepers used to lay eggs at her old home and her partner had arthritis and couldnt get around too well, so it was easy to tell them apart. My aunt took very good care of her ducks and spent a few hours a day just outside with them, so I think she knew which one was which. I assume Beepers to be a female for these reasons, Shes also very loud and chatty. However Beepers has not produced eggs while here, and she tries to mate with Shia almost every time they get in the pool together. I know that when you just have one male and female duck the male might accidentally mate the female to death, I really dont want that to happen. My sister told me just today she saw Beepers trying to mate with Shia over their water bowl on solid ground. Im worried that Beepers will hurt or kill Shia one day, Beepers is also bit larger than Shia. Should I look into getting another Female duck to prevent this from happening? Is there any reason why Beepers isnt laying eggs, and is there a way to confirm Beeper's gender?
I have 5 female ducks and they often try to mate in their pond, and sometimes by their fresh water bucket. I just try to supervise them in those situations and pull them apart or keep it from happening. I don't think it's concerning like a male over-mating a female, since they don't have the right parts. But I have been concerned about my welsh drowning my other welsh. I also have feather-pulling involved and I don't want my girls harmed by that. I feel a little bad - they are desperate for a male to fulfill their biological instincts.....
My all female flock used to mate with each other several times a day. Now that they are getting older they are finally slowing down at ages 6 and 7. They still mate most days but it isn't like before. This is the first year that there isn't thinning feathers on their necks from them holding on with their bills. They even used to make stacks of 3 in their pool. It was really crazy.

Despite all that I never worried about their mating because it was always consensual. One duck would ask, the other duck would agree, and the mating would commence. None of my 6 ducks were ever injured from the mating and I have never read that a female duck was injured by another female duck.

I would worry if you see blood, scabs, or broken skin on one duck's neck. I would worry if you see any droopy or red eyes or eye discharge. I would worry if one duck was running away from the other duck's romantic advances.

If Beepers is quacking in the typical loud quack quack quack then she is a female. Males can injure females by overmating. Birds can be sexed by a veterinarian, but if you post video of their voices we can possibly help you out with that.

What are you feeding them? If Beepers is a female maybe she isn't getting enough nutrition to produce eggs?
Here's a quick video of the two making sounds. Beepers (the loud one on the right who starts walking away at the end of the video) sounds different from Shia, but she's nowhere near as raspy as my old drake used to sound. Right now they're eating Dumor all flock pellets, (thats all the store had at the moment) but I usually get them Nutrena Country feed Duck Feed. Once the all flock runs out I'll see if I can get some Layer pellets. I also give them snacks, like tomatoes and peas, and a little bit of corn here or there.
Beepers sounds very female to me. All my female ducks sound different. Even when I had 6 I could tell them apart by their quacks, so I think it isn't unusual for them to have different voices.

A layer diet for ducks would likely be best (my vet recommended Mazuri waterfowl breeder for my laying ducks), but any other duck specific food is probably fine. I doubt diet is the issue. I thought perhaps you were feeding only scratch or something similar.

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