Will my other chickens harm my chicks


8 Years
Jul 3, 2011
Currently we have 18 grown birds in our pen (16 hens 2 roosters). Several of the hens are broody, I marked and left a dozen eggs in the nest boxes and they should hatch in the next week. Do I need to take them out as soon as they hatch and put them in a brooder or can I leave them in the pen with all the others. I know its not good to introduce new birds to the flock, but are chicks hatched with them ok.

yes, they are already part of the flock, as to is it safe? Not really. The broody will do her best to protect the chicks but how mean are your other chickens? They will peck a stray chick and possibly kill and/or eat it, and when she rushes at them,it leaves the new chicks exposed. Can they stay together depends on the flock interaction, and as long as they have a designated niche in the coop it can be fine. For safety I separate hen and chicks for at a week then let them outside where there's plenty of room. Chickens are cannibals and broody knows this-most wild chickens won't rejoin the flock till chicks are weeks older. My hens set up a nursery in the coup on the floor in a corner under a shelf for the night a place where the others never go anyway.
Ok if I remove the hens and chicks will I be able to put them back later or will I need another run? Can I remove them befor hatching or will the hens not finish the job in new nests(environment)
Ok if I remove the hens and chicks will I be able to put them back later or will I need another run? Can I remove them befor hatching or will the hens not finish the job in new nests(environment)
You can return them when they're older
Can you put pens/large kennels in your coop? If so that helps keep them a memeber of flock without the chicks getting hurt. Or put them in little pens and wait a week, then release the mothers and their chicks out with the flock when they free range, the mothers will teach the flock to stay away from their chicks, and after awhile get all the birds, mama and chicks too, back into the main coop. The Mothers will teach the chicks where to hide and keep safe.

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