I'm not sure this really fit the predators & pests section but I had a quick question. I have a neighbor that lives about a quarter mile away and she has 10 peacocks. I have never seen them before down as far as my property but my birds were making a huge racket this morning and I think they called the peafowl in. The peafowl are honking and scaring my chickens but mostly they are sitting on the fence watching them. Is there any risk to the safety of my chickens or turkeys?
I was thinking of spraying them with the hose but I probably won't do that unless they pose a real threat. I wish my rooster was still alive, I wonder how he'd respond to all this.
I was thinking of spraying them with the hose but I probably won't do that unless they pose a real threat. I wish my rooster was still alive, I wonder how he'd respond to all this.