Will these pullets start laying?


8 Years
May 23, 2011
I got my 9 teenagers as day old chicks at the beginning of July. I integrated them very successfully to my main flock about 6 weeks ago and have seen my two roos on a couple of them. Today, I popped my head in the coop and there was one of the roos showing one of the teenagers where to nest and she did for quite some time but no egg appeared? As they all about the right age to start laying, will they, because of the shortened day light hours? I could really use the eggs as my 6 big layers are only laying 2 eggs a day now
Hatched in early July? That makes them..... 18-19 weeks. You didn't list the breed (s). Most large fowl of common breeds do not begin laying 22-26 weeks of age. So, you've some time to wait and see what happens. Often a first year pullet begins laying winter, with or without much supplemental lighting. If you do not supplement their daylight, then you'll just have to allow nature to take its course.
Hi there, the teenagers are 3 Brahamas, 3 Buff Orps and 3 Ameraucanas. The one with the roo was an Ameraucana but I've seen the roos on one of the Buffs and one of the Brahamas. I'm going all natural so don't substitute lighting
I have Ameraucana pullets that are around 30-weeks and they're still not laying. They're in excellent health and I do use supplemental lighting. Ameraucanas are late bloomers and the time of year makes them later bloomers still.

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