Will this baby heal?


15 Years
Apr 29, 2009
Wilson, NC
A pullet that wanted into the nest box where babies are hatching pecked this babies head. I don't want to take it away from the mama hen, but will it heal if I don't? Is there anything I can do aside from taking it away to treat it. I don't know if mama would take it back after it heals.
Advice please :fl
A pullet that wanted into the nest box where babies are hatching pecked this babies head. I don't want to take it away from the mama hen, but will it heal if I don't? Is there anything I can do aside from taking it away to treat it. I don't know if mama would take it back after it heals.
Advice please :fl
View attachment 1907617 View attachment 1907618
Poor little thing!
Spray the wound with Vetericyn then apply some pine tar to it for protection and to keep the other chicks from pecking at it. If you don't have any pine tar, a dab of bluekote will due. Then it should be fine to go back to the broody. Just keep an eye on it.
Have all the eggs hatched? If so, it is now time to move mom to a safe ground area where she can keep her brood warm at night. They do not need to be in the nest boxes.
Clean it well and put some antibiotic cream on it, one without pain killer. Then spray it with Blue Kote. Chickens will peck at anything red so the Blue Kote will turn it purple. Then I think she'll be fine with mama, but take a look at her often to be sure.
There should be a few more eggs hatching, but I may have a pullet who can take over the rest.
I would strongly advise that you allow the broody hen to continue with and finish the hatch herself. Can you block off where she is so other pullets cannot get at the chicks as they hatch? What did the mother do when the pullet came in and pecked the chick?
Once the hatch is over, a good broody hen will not allow any other bird to hurt her chicks and will viciously drive off threats.
I would strongly advise that you allow the broody hen to continue with and finish the hatch herself. Can you block off where she is so other pullets cannot get at the chicks as they hatch? What did the mother do when the pullet came in and pecked the chick?
Once the hatch is over, a good broody hen will not allow any other bird to hurt her chicks and will viciously drive off threats.
There are two mamas. Raven would sit on the nest but wasn't totally broody. About a week later Angel went total broody over night. They have been sharing. Sometimes sitting together and always taking over for each other when one would leave to eat. Raven is flighty and even today will get off the nest of she is bothered to much. Angel well growl and peck.

I have fake eggs in the other boxes, but for some reason Icy decided that she needed to lay her egg in the clutch box. I saw her peck the baby before I could get to her. I moved her to another box and after a minute she decided to lay her egg there. The baby is coated in Neosporin and blu-kote.

Two hatched Thursday evening, two over Thursday night and one yesterday while I was at work. 7 eggs left. How long should I wait before deciding that no more will hatch? (If I had a candler,I wouldn't know what to look for)

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