Will this be enough chicks for my family?


Chicken Sensei
12 Years
Jan 10, 2008
Marysville, OH
This my planned order from Meyer: all pullets

2 Golden Buffs
2 Barred Rocks
2 Black Australorps
2 Buff Orps
2 Speckled Sussex
2 Ameraucanas
1 SL Wyandotte
1 GL Wyandotte

Will this provide enough eggs for my family of 6 adults, 5 grandkids (young) and extras for occasional gifts to neighbors and friends?
Sounds like the right amount. I have 4 for a family of four, and it works out well.

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but Meyer Hatchery isn't selling the Speckled Sussex any more (even though their website says they do). I was heartbroken, myself, because I wanted one this spring.

But PLEASE, voice your dissatisfaction to Meyer. I'm hoping they'll rethink their decision not to offer them.

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Ang, 6 dozen sounds about right with the giveaways.

Horsewishr, that's too bad about the SS. I think they're so pretty. I will voice my complaint.

s6bee, thanks, since I'm a first-timer that was my intention. I had a hard time narrowing it down to those ones. It made it easier because Meyer didn't have some of the ones I wanted.

Jareds44m, I didn't see that on my pet chicken even though I've been on there a hundred times. Thanks.
I live alone and have 5 chickens, but I have many people to share with including our church.

That seems like a good amount, if they are pretty good layers you will get 30-40 out of them I think. Per week, wow that's alot

Don't count your eggs before they are laid. Some hens do not lay every day - which is perfectly normal for some hens. I have 37 hens laying now. I am getting 17 - 27 eggs a day. When the weather is extremely cold or frozen - I get 7 or 8. As soon as it warms up the production goes back up.

Some folks are fortunate and do get an egg a day from each hen but that really isn't the norm.

Also the bigger heavier hens take a little longer to get going with the egg business. My oprs didn't start layting until 22 - 26 weeks (that is 5 hens) and the BR and Wyandottes laid I think nearer to 26 weeks. The RIR were the first to lay at 19 weeks.

Everyone seems to think the magic egg laying age is 18 - 24 weeks and for many pullets it is but alot of times it isn't.

Plan accordingly.

Have fun with the breeds you chose. They will be fun.
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