Wing Clipping...should I or not????


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 4, 2010
Dillsburg, PA
I live in a close quarters neighboorhood and my yard is enclosed by a 3' Fence. My girls when out all day seem to stay off the fence but when it comes close to the end of the day they jump up on it to roost and end up jumping down into the neighboor's yards. So my question is will clipping their wings keep them from being able to jump up three feet or will they still be able to anyways.

I am not sure it will stop them - ?????? It is worth having a go though.
I once got bantams that a fellow didn;t want. - I clipped their wings real short on one side and one of the darn birds still managed to clear a six foot fence and escape into the road!!!!!! Thankfully it was found and they were given to a neighbor with a closed top coop. - I have only ever clipped two of my hens Gerty and Isobella as they always got into bother. - They actually got clipped for breacking into the coop run last time!!!!! We had them out in the yard free ranging and the next thing the pair of them were up on top of the run trying to get back inside. Except its covered in bird netting so they couldn't. But its right up against the neighbors and he has a couple of large Dogs so we caught and clipped them, they were not happy!!!!!
If it doesn't work no harm done the feathers will grow out again. But if you don't try you wont know will you? Just be careful to only cut the flight feathers on one side!!!!

Oesdog - good luck !!!
I clipped one side of all their wings, should I do both sides? Is it any more effective?

Just need to wait and see now if they still can jump the fence.
To stop 3 foot verticle jump, you will have to get all primaries and most secondary feathers very close to base. They can compensate for unilateral clipping on very short jumps. Three feet some of my games can almost due without flight feathers at all. Can you raise fence to 4 feet? More likely to work then.
Well, umm, I've tried primaries, secondaries, both wings, one wing. . . Mine still fly 6+ foot obstacles. In fact an Araucana I gave away to someone as a cull had his wing clipped and was still able to fly up 10 feet to the branches of a pine tree at his new home.

But, who knows, you may never have troubles.
You are not cutting feathers close enough. Properly clipped wings will generate little or no thrust. Going more than 3' on adult means more than legs are providing propulsive force.

That used to be a problem had as kid cause I thought birds were being hurt by close clipping of feathers. Someone needs to provide photograph of properly clipped wing feathers. I now longer clip.

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