Wish me luck, guys.


I'm an original
12 Years
Jun 12, 2007
Tioga, Louisiana
I'm totally going outside to clean out the coop...it's going to be a dangerous mission, but I feel I am well equipped, and prepared to fight any ickies that may come my way.

Wish me luck, lest I should return!
How often do you clean it?

We don't do it twice a day like some folks here, but we sweep and MOP it every week.

My girls really like it when they get new pine shavings each Saturday.

I bring home face masks from the office and my kids do it without me asking.

Another hour, hour & a half and I should be done with cleaning the coop / yard.

Once I get done with that, I think I'm gonna bring in some mulch from the back and re-pack the floor. It's kinda uneven & stuff...

Noticed some damage the hurricanes did to the coop...

Okay, so by noticed, I mean when I leaned against the outside wall, it collapsed. It wasn't a WALL, wall...it's...argh. It's hard to explain. Either way, I've gotta fix that somehow. Not quite sure about that yet.

I need 600 ft of galvanized chicken wire, alot of ply-board, some 2x4's, and a heckuvalotta nails & screws. Then everything should be all better.
Not that often. See, my chicken coop proves to be a bit different that some of the folks here. It used to by my dutch breeding barn when I was showing rabbits. It's more like a big shed than anything, it's got a packed dirt floor, and is open to the run. So there's not ALOT of accumilation of ickiness in frequent periods. There is, on the other hand, a collection of old feed bags that're currently being moved out.

Once I re-do the outside of it, and fix a couple things, I'll take pictures and show you guys what I mean.
I understand! When we got the chickens I made it clear that I am not cleaning the coop. We have two teenaged sons and my fiance. We are well equipped to get it done without me!

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