Wonky leg - I don't have a clue what I am doing!


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
Collierville (Memphis), TN
Let me begin by saying I am a complete newbie! I have lots of experience with other critters horses, dogs but these are my first "birds". We have a mixed batch of 7 (about 3 weeks old). About a week ago I noticed my BR was sitting a ot with one leg out to the side. This seems to have gotten worse and now when she does get up and move around she looks like a little drunkard, wobbling to her destination with one leg sticking out further than the other. She is eating and drinking and no-one is picking on her, but she seems a bit scrawnier than the rest. She is my only BR so it is hard to compare. I have read lots about splayed leg and that doesn't seem to be her problem but out of frustration I went ahead and banded her legs together.

Is there anything else I can do? I am willing to be proactive.

Funny side story: I didn't know that you needed to give grit if you were feeding treats and grass. My son pointed out that his cochin was "blowing up". After reading through the board I really impressed him when I burped a big snot ball out of her. Now I have set him up that I am a healer I don't want to let him down!

My handy work:

She is eating:

The whole group:
I had a partridge cochin do that last year and no amount of "fixin" ever helped him. I figured nature would just take its course but it didn't, he is still around and still hobbles on one leg. We named him Nugget and my husband calls him the mascot, since he isn't any good for anything else. He's kinda the pep squad I guess you'd say, he's no breeder that's for sure.
Are the hobbles too tight? They should make his legs line up with his shoulders, can't really tell from pic, ha ha
Did you try poly vi sol liquid vitiams?It really helped with my chicks with leg or neck issues. Hope your chicky getts better!
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I think this picture shows the width of the hobbles better. I actually used two band aids together since she has gotten bigger.


Thanks for your help. I am a horse girl and feel totally out of my element here!
*Poly-Vi-Sol are human infant vitamin drops, generally available at any drugstore, and are suggested in a pinch or emergency when Avian or "chicken specific" vitamin supplements are not readily or immediately on hand.
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You said she's your only BR...but the other black chick in the 2nd pic near the waterer is a BR...to me, she doesn't look like a BR, or am I crazy? I know that's not your problem...just something I noticed. Wish I could help you about the leg...

Yikes! I thought we had two Jersey Giants and one BR (among others). I actually posted their individual pics on my farm website and identified them by breeds. We ordered 6 and got one extra and from what we could tell from comparing pics on the internet it looked like we got an extra JJ. Hmmm...I may have to do some more looking since they are bigger now. Gotta love a mystery!

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